High Blood Sugar Treatments
High blood sugar, or hyperglycemia, is a condition that occurs when the body doesn't have enough insulin to control the amount of glucose in the blood. It typically occurs in people with diabetes because their body does not make enough insulin or is unable to use its insulin correctly.
According to Web MD, there are two types of hyperglycemia. Fasting hyperglycemia can occur if a person does not eat for at least eight hours. Postprandial hyperglycemia often occurs after a person eats. In this type, the amount of glucose in the blood peaks at about one to two hours after the meal.
Symptoms of high blood sugar include excessive urination, which happens because the kidneys are trying to flush the excess glucose; excessive thirst; blurred vision; difficulty concentrating and fatigue. If high blood sugar continues for a long time, it can cause weight loss because the body will begin to break down its own fat and muscle for energy.
Although diabetes causes high blood sugar because it interferes with the body's ability to produce or use insulin, it can also occur in people who are being treated for their diabetes. High blood sugar can occur when people do not take their medication at the proper time or when they eat too much food or the wrong types.
Because high blood sugar is usually caused by diabetes, treating the disease will keep the high blood sugar under control. The initial treatment includes regular exercise and a diet in which sugars are controlled. A person with high blood sugar should also drink enough to remain well hydrated. If these treatments are not sufficient to treat a person's high blood pressure completely, he may need to take medication or insulin injections. If the high blood sugar persists, the type, dosage or frequency of the medication may need to be changed.
Management of high blood sugar is an important part of treatment because it allows a person to avoid worsening symptoms and effects. A good management plan includes eating a proper diet, exercising on a regular basis, taking medication on time, and checking blood sugar levels several times a day using a special meter.