How to Know If You've Got Diabetes
Know your risk factors. Although not all cases of diabetes can be predicted, there are some risk factors associated with developing both types of the disease. Having a close relative with diabetes, such as a parent or sibling, increases your chanc of developing the condition at some point. Being overweight is a risk factor for developing Type 2 diabetes. Individuals from certain ethic groups, such as Asians, African Americans and Latinos are at higher risk.
Recognize symptoms. Some people with diabetes may not be symptomatic at first, and symptoms may vary among individuals. However, there are symptoms that may occur in both types of diabetes--including excessive thirst and hunger, dry skin and weight loss without dieting. Bruising that takes a while to heal may also occur in some people. Fatigue and excessive drowsiness may also be a symptom.
Have a random blood sugar test done. Individuals who have symptoms of diabetes should see their doctor for additional testing and evaluation. A random blood sugar test may be ordered. The procedure is done by obtaining a small amount of blood, and fasting is not required. Usually, a normal random blood sugar is under 200mg/dL.
Get a fasting blood glucose test. This blood test also measures the level of sugar in the blood. However, it is completed after not eating for a specific number of hours. Your doctor will provide exact instructions on how many hours you must fast before the test.
Visit the American Diabetes Association website. There's a test that can be completed online that rates your risk for developing both types of diabetes. It is one tool to help you determine if you have diabetes. The association can also provide information on treatments and suggestions for living with diabetes.