Diet to Reduce Blood Sugar

If you are trying to manage and control your blood sugar with diet and exercise alone, it is crucial to make excellent food choices. Listed below are some foods that will help you increase your insulin sensitivity and process glucose more easily.
  1. Fiber

    • Fiber is actually a type of carbohydrate, but the body can process it, so it contributes no calories and no sugar while contributing nutrients and speeding up metabolism.

    Whole Grains

    • Whole grains are carbohydrates that are slowly processed and broken down in the body, so there is no blood sugar spike and sugar remains constant over a long period of time.

    Fruits and Vegetables

    • Most fruits and vegetables have a low glycemic index (GI), which means they have a relatively low impact on your blood sugar. Some are not low GI foods.

    Avoid High GI Foods

    • The GI determines the impact on your blood sugar, and some unexpected things are high GI foods, like raisins, carrots and all dried fruits. Try to avoid these foods.


    • Protein is essential to a diabetic diet. It is carbohydrate-free and can be low-fat. It helps retain muscle mass and keeps hair, nails and bones healthy.

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