Diabetes Symptoms in Women

Diabetes is a serious endocrine disorder that occurs when the body is no longer able to produce or respond to insulin, creating a surplus of glucose in the bloodstream. According to the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), almost 9 percent of American women suffer from diabetes. Women who have diabetes experience a unique set of symptoms in addition to the common symptoms that men experience as well.
  1. Increased Infection

    • Women who suffer from diabetes are abnormally susceptible to infection and often suffer from regular yeast and urinary tract infections.

    Cardiovascular Risk

    • Female diabetics have an increased possibility of experiencing cardiovascular disease than male diabetics.

    Poor Circulation

    • A common symptom of diabetes in women is poor blood circulation, especially to extremities. This symptom is exacerbated during exercise.

    Loss of Genital Lubrication

    • Abnormally dry vaginal lips are a common symptom of diabetes is women. Similarly, the inside of the vagina may lose its natural lubrication.

    Difficulty Healing

    • Another characteristic of diabetes is difficulty healing bodily injuries, such as cuts, bruises and sprains. While men experience this symptom as well, it is more prevalent in female diabetics.

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