How to Reverse Pre-Diabetes

Once you have been diagnosed with pre-diabetes, studies show that there's a good chance that within 5-10 years, you'll end up having diabetes. Of course, if you are willing to make some changes in your life, this doesn't have to be the case. Research shows that you can reverse pre-diabetes if you are willing to commit to it. Diabetes is a nasty disease, so avoiding it is important. Here are several steps that can help you to reverse pre-diabetes before it's too late.


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      Get active. This is one of the best ways that you can begin to reverse your problem with pre-diabetes. People who are sedentary often build up insulin resistance. One of the best ways to improve this problem is to get moving. Activity can help to improve your insulin resistance and help your cells burn sugar. In fact, studies have shown that exercise alone can help to improve problems with pre-diabetes even without making other changes in your lifestyle. The best type of exercise to help with this problem is aerobic exercise, which should be done for 30 minutes four to five times each week. Several aerobic exercises that are excellent options include biking, walking, team sports and swimming.

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      Stop smoking as soon as possible. Not only is smoking a top cause of other serious diseases such as heart disease, cancers, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and strokes, it can raise your risk of diabetes as well. If you don't think that you can stop smoking on your own, talk to your doctor. There are many excellent products out there to help smokers stop smoking.

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      Skip the processed and fast foods. One of the main reasons that more and more Americans are getting diabetes and pre-diabetes today is because of their high intake of processed foods and fast food. Eating just one fast-food meal can take up over half your daily allotted calories, not to mention the fat.

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      Eat more fruits and veggies. Many people don't get the amount of fruits and veggies that they need each day. Studies show that those who get five or more servings a day of their fruits and veggies not only can reduce the risk of diabetes but also the risk of strokes, various cardiovascular diseases and heart attack. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can also help with weight loss, another important aspect of reversing problems with pre-diabetes.

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      Limit your intake of alcohol. While a moderate amount of alcohol can be healthy, drinking too much can elevate pre-diabetes to full-blown Type 2 diabetes. Having one drink each day can actually lower the risk for diabetes, but if you don't limit the amount of alcohol you are drinking, you'll make pre-diabetes even worse.

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