Yeast Infection and Diabetes Symptoms
How are diabetes and yeast infections linked? Are the symptoms similar? Because you have some form of yeast infection does not mean you have diabetes. Yeast is a normal part of the flora in our bodies. Diabetes is the result of high blood glucose levels as a result of poor insulin production.
There are over 20 types of yeast, known as Candida. The most common in women is Candida albicans and is easily treated.
Type 1 diabetes is the result of the immune system destroying the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. Type 2 diabetes is the most common form; this type is due to the lack of insulin production.
Candidiasis symptoms will vary according to the type of yeast infection. For skin types there are small pustules that resemble pimples, but remain solid with a reddening of the skin. Vaginal yeast infections have a discharge and odor accompanying the itch. Thrush occurs in the mouth, coating the tongue and inside of the cheeks.
Chronic yeast infections in men and women, dry mouth, disproportionate thirst, and blurred vision are only a few of the most common symptoms for Type 2 diabetes. You should seek medical attention if you are frequently urinating, are nauseated, vomiting frequently, and breathing becomes more difficult and rapid. The symptoms for Type 1 diabetes are similar and generally occur before age 20.
A note
Always consult with a doctor when in doubt. Women can see their OB/GYN, family physician or an endocrinologist.