Effects of High Blood Sugar
Vision Problems
One of the ways in which high blood sugar has an effect on our bodies involves our sight. When blood sugar becomes elevated, it may actually cause the lens of the eye to swell. This expansion can be seen, quite literally, as a blurring to your vision. Bring your blood sugar down, and the sight problems should go away. But, this elevation in blood sugar, when left too long or let go too high, may actually cause permanent damage to capillaries of the eye.
Kidney Problems
When your body is experiencing an elevation in blood sugar, your kidneys begin to work overtime, so to speak, to flush the blood of its excess sugar or glucose. This heightened processing to filter out this waste can begin to damage the blood vessels of this organ. This may then lead to kidney disease or kidney failure, which could increase your blood pressure, damage your central nervous system, decrease you immune system and induce other health related issues.
Heart Problems
It should come as no surprise that as elevated blood sugar level can have an effect on the heart, especially in light of the fact that there is the potential that your blood pressure may become high. With this increase in blood pressure, a person could then suffer heart palpitations, heart failure and heart attack. It may also induce something called pericarditis, which is an inflammation of the surrounding membrane of the heart. This inflammation may then put pressure on the organ, hindering its intake of blood.
Foot Problems
Leaving your blood sugar at a heightened level may also begin to damage the nerves located in your outer extremities, namely your feet. This has a lot to due with your blood circulation and the nourishment of the capillaries. As it becomes more and more difficult for your body to bring blood to your feet and the excess sugar begins to damage the blood vessels, the nerves themselves essentially become malnourished, for lack of a better term. This will inevitably damage those nerves, making your feet and sometimes legsgo numb. When these nerves become too damaged, infection may set in from a simple cut or even a blister. This, along with the nerve damage, may lead to amputation.
Another way in which high blood sugar has an effect on your health is actually a decrease in bone density, which often comes as a surprise to most. This is mostly due to an almost deprivation of minerals to the bone. This can lead to easy breaks and fractures from events that wouldn't normally cause such an issue.