Typical Symptoms of Onset Diabetes
Increased Thirst
A typical symptom of the onset of diabetes is increased and excessive thirst. This also leads to frequent urination.
Unrealiable Vision
Because high blood sugar levels affect the small veins in the eyes, diabetes onset causes erratically blurred vision.
Strange Sensations in Fingers and Toes
Tingling or itching in the hands, feet, fingers and toes is another sign of the onset of diabetes.
Extreme Fatigue
Elevated blood sugar levels cause extreme and extended fatigue.
If you have any of the above signs, consult your doctor and ask for a fasting blood sugar test or an oral glucose tolerance test.
The above are typical symptoms, but there are always exceptions. Even if you have none of these symptoms, but you are at risk for diabetes or feel you may have diabetes, consult your doctor and ask for a glucose test.