Hyperglycemia Symptoms & Treatment
Because hyperglycemia can develop into a life-threatening problem if left untreated, it is best controlled with carefully regulated medications, injections, or lifestyle changes.
The term "hyperglycemia" means high blood sugar, and refers to a condition in which an individual's blood contains levels of blood sugar (glucose) in excess of the recommended level of 160 mg/dL. Diabetes sufferers in particular have to be careful not to become hyperglycemic.
Hyperglycemia can be caused by a number of factors, including overeating, little or no exercise, stress, infection, illness, or, in the case of diabetes patients, taking insufficient medications or using ineffective insulin.
The three main symptoms of hyperglycemia are excessive and unusual thirst, increased urination and an unusual increase in appetite. In addition, fatigue, drowsiness, unexplained weight loss, dry mouth, blurry vision and dry skin are also common hyperglycemia symptoms.
Hyperglycemia, particularly in people with diabetes, can be treated in a number of ways. These include altering diabetes medications, reducing and or altering the individual's diet, increasing the amount of water consumed daily and exercising. However, any individuals experiencing hyperglycemia symptoms should consult with their doctor first in order to plan an effective blood sugar lowering plan.
If left untreated, elevated blood sugar levels can cause a buildup of ketones (acids released in the body during the metabolization of fat) in the blood, resulting in a condition known as ketoacidosis. Ketoacidosis can cause coma or death. It is extremely important that individuals experiencing hyperglycemia symptoms, especially ones with diagnosed diabetes, speak to their doctor as soon as possible to prevent the development of life-threatening health problems.