What is a Source of Glucose?

Glucose is the main source of energy for the human body. Glucose is a form of sugar that is produced when carbohydrates are digested. Glucose in the bloodstream is converted to the energy needed for the body to function properly. When glucose levels fluctuate beyond the normal range the body can not function properly and the person may be diagnosed with diabetes. This may require medication, insulin or adjustments to the amount of carbohydrates consumed on a daily basis.
  1. Types

    • Simple carbohydrates are digested quickly and provide a quick sources of energy. For those with diabetes, it may cause a rapid increase in blood glucose levels, commonly referred to as sugar levels. Simple carbohydrates include fruit and fruit juices, sweets, alcoholic beverages, non-diet soft drinks and table sugar.
      Complex carbohydrates are in the form of starch and require more time to digest and convert to glucose more slowly. This group is comprised of whole grains, beans and legumes, nuts and whole grain cereal and breads. Because they are converted more slowly they are less likely to cause a rapid increase in blood sugar levels.


    • Complex carbohydrates provide a good source of sustained energy and should make up at least 50% of the daily food intake and may consist of up to 70%. However, it should be noted that this causes considerable challenges for those with diabetes who must limit the intake of carbohydrates to maintain healthy level of glucose in the bloodstream. Simple carbohydrates provide quick energy and make causes spikes in blood glucose levels.


    • Foods high in glucose affect the body quickly and can provide a sudden boost of energy needed to complete physical or mental tasks and may temporarily combat fatigue. Blood glucose levels may drop off suddenly after the burst of energy and result in low glucose levels or hypoglycemia. The person may experience irritability or become moody. This is commonly referred to as the sugar blues. Consuming foods rich in complex carbohydrates may take longer to impact on the energy level, but will provide sustained energy needed for physically or mentally demanding tasks.


    • Choosing foods from both simple and complex carbohydrate groups will provide the best source of energy for those without diabetes. Those with diabetes should use caution when consuming simple carbohydrates and should choose complex carbohydrates rich in nutritional value to maintain even glucose levels.


    • Many people assume that glucose is only found in foods high in sugar and overlook the carbohydrate content of foods. Both are changed to glucose during digestion. The body does not know the difference between glucose as the result of sugar intake and glucose produced by complex carbohydrate digestion. The only difference between consuming simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates is the amount of time it takes for the resulting glucose to enter the bloodstream.

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