How to Identify High Blood Sugar
Watch your eating habits. Do you have chronic hunger? For example, do you find yourself eating out of a carton of ice cream and not getting filled up no matter how much you eat? Note that you might finish eating a helping of ice cream only to go straight back and get another helping of the same thing.
Watch for a discoloration of your face. A red flush may be a sign of high blood sugar, especially if you are also sweating but don't have a fever.
Check for a feeling of sleepiness after you finish eating. Do you doze off after a meal? If you don't sleep are you fighting sleepiness? If the sleepiness seems almost impossible to fight this is not normal.
Watch for thirstiness. No matter how much you drink you will want more. Watch for desiring soft drinks like colas. You will not desire water but if you have some you will notice an amazing effect on the desire to drink.Drink water. If you notice after a few glasses that you feel better, you may have high blood sugar.
Watch for urinary frequency in the middle of the night. You will literally be awakened with the need to go to the bathroom. Soon after, sometimes just a few minutes, you will need to go again. This is almost always a sign of not only high blood sugar but diabetes.
Watch for cuts in the bottom of your feet, particularly in the heels. This has to do with circulation and is also almost always a symptom of diabetes.
Watch for cramping. Sugar often causes cramping and poor processing of sugar can add to that. Further, lack of water can add to the problem.
Keep a chart. Certainly one symptom once or twice does not mean you have high blood sugar or diabetes. However, if you consistently exhibit several symptoms over a period of time you are probably having a problem. It is at this time you should get in touch with your doctor so that she can check your blood sugar level.As with any illness, catching high blood sugar, or diabetes, early gives you the best opportunity at cure or control. Catching high blood sugar early can mean the difference of no treatment, diet adjustments, oral medication or insulin.