How to Identify Normal Blood Glucose Ranges
Fast for at least 8 hours for the fasting blood sugar test. This is typically the first test done to check for diabetes. A normal blood glucose level, without eating, is less than 110 mg/dl. A reading of 126 mg/dl or higher after two consecutive fasting blood tests will result in a diagnosis of diabetes.
Wait 2 hours after eating a meal before taking the postprandial blood sugar test. Your blood sugar level should be no higher than 140 mg/dl. You can also use a home blood sugar test at the appropriate time to perform this test.
Take a random blood sugar test at any time of day, regardless of when you ate last. Healthy glucose levels don't vary widely during the day, so taking this test several times in the same day is a good indicator of a problem. A diagnosis of diabetes can occur if the result of this test is 200 mg/dl or higher.
Test for gestational diabetes with the oral glucose tolerance test. This test is a series of blood glucose levels after you drink a sweet liquid containing glucose. If it is normal, the glucose levels will rise and then fall quickly after drinking the solution. Levels of 200 mg/dl or higher can lead to a diagnosis of diabetes.
Check for other symptoms of diabetes such as fatigue, excessive urination, excessive thirst or unplanned weight loss.