How to Buy Diabetic Shoes
Arrange to be professionally fitted for diabetic shoes. A pedorthist is trained to measure and fit shoes for people with special foot needs.
Try on diabetic shoes to ensure a proper fit. You want to be able to move your toes around freely. If you have prescription orthotics or inserts for your diabetic shoes, place the insert into all shoes you try on to ensure the proper fit.
Buy diabetic shoes that encourage proper ventilation. Excess moisture can harbor bacteria that can cause sores and ulcers to form on the feet, a situation that is especially dangerous for those who cope with diabetes.
Check the contour of the diabetic shoe. Make sure that there is a minimal curve in the heal and toe areas of the shoe that encourages balanced walking and discourages too much pressure on the foot.
Purchase custom diabetic shoes if your feet are plagued with complex problems that affect the shape of the foot. Doctors can write prescriptions for special shoes that include healing shoes (allow special room if you've had foot surgery) and in-depth shoes that have extra room in the toe area.