How to Identify Symptoms of Diabetes Type 2
Recognizing diabetes might be difficult at first, because it may or may not present with obvious symptoms. That's why it's important for people to listen to their bodies and to know when something doesn't seem quite right. However, one of the most common symptoms of diabetes is thirst. Unfortunately, many people believe they are dehydrated, drink more fluids, and forget about it.
Experiencing fatigue is another symptom of diabetes, but again, some individuals believe they have merely been working too hard. Still, coupled with thirst and additional signs, chronic fatigue may be one of the first indications that something is wrong.
Sensing an increase in appetite is another symptom of diabetes, though at the same time be accompanied by unexplained weight loss. A general, overall blase feeling is commonly expressed in those experiencing their first signs of diabetes.
Noticing injuries such as bruises, scratches or cuts that don't heal as quickly in those suffering from diabetes are common in many early onset diabetes individuals. If you notice that cuts seem to take longer to heal than they did in the past, a visit to your doctor is suggested. A simple blood test will provide fast results.
Experiencing blurred vision is another common side effect or symptom of diabetes. This phenomena may occur in both men and women. Men may also experience periods of impotence as the condition worsens.