How to get your A1C into a healthy range (For Diabetics)
Things You'll Need
- Willpower
- Blood glucose monitor
- An exercise plan
- Sleep
- Healthy foods
- Stress management tools
- Carbohydrate counter
- A good doctor
- Medication (only if needed)
- Time
- Support
You have to understand that your health comes first. Make yourself a plan of action. This will involve what foods to eat, exercise, getting adequate sleep, stress management, and support. Write it all down for future reference.
Second, keep track of your blood sugar with your monitor for a few days while eating your normal foods. Then, cut your carbohydrate intake and recheck your blood sugars after each meal or snack. By doing it this way you will find what foods you can eat, and what you need to eliminate from your diet. You shouldn't eat anything that makes your blood sugar stay over 100 after an hour. Yes, you will be cutting out alot of foods, but there will still be plenty left for you to eat; such as non-starchy vegetables, meats, cheeses, low sugar fruits, and eggs. You may even find that you can add some things back after time, as your system gets in better control.
You need to get in at least 30 minutes of exercise each day. Exercise helps the body use insulin, which in turn will help lower blood sugar readings. Start out with a walking program and go from there.
Get plenty of sleep. If you don't get enough sleep your body will hold on to fat and diabetics don't need any excess fat. Set a sleeping schedule if you have problems in this area. Go to bed, and get up at the same time every day.
Learn coping/stress management skills. Stress can elevate blood glucose readings. Don't let little things bother you. Learn meditation, buy yoga tapes, or even go to a therapist if you need to, but get your stress under control.
Find a support system. It can be family members, church members, or even an online community. You need others to help you with all the changes you will be facing. Reach out for support, it will help tremendously.