How to Control Carbohydrates to Manage Metabolic Disorders
Establish a meal plan. Your health care team should include a registered dietitian who will work with you to agree on a diet that will meet your medical needs and lifestyle, yet still allow you to enjoy meals.
Count carbohydrates. This is the process of recording the amount of carbohydrates (usually measured in grams) of everything you eat and is a requirement for many people with serious metabolic disorders such as diabetes.
Determine the carbohydrates contained in packaged food. This information is usually listed on the label with the other nutritional information. Be sure to note the serving size and take this into account when recording your carbohydrate intake for this food.
Consult a standard reference chart for unprepared food. Your dietitian should provide you with a list of nutritional information, including carbohydrate count, for common foods that do not have labels. For example, your chart should show a medium-size banana as having 29g of carbohydrates.
Distribute your meals throughout the day. Most metabolic disorders will require you to eat more and smaller meals than you may be accustomed to. This will make it easier for your body to maintain its blood sugar level in the proper range.