How to Lower Your Insulin Needs (for Diabetics)
Things You'll Need
- Less insulin!
Lose weight. The less you weigh, the less insulin you'll need.
Exercise at least 30 minutes a day. The more intense the exercise the better, but if you don't exercise regularly, start with a brisk walk.
Switch to an insulin pump. Tighter control of your blood sugar means you can use less insulin and get better control.
Test your blood sugar at least six times a day or, even better, use a Continuous Glucose Monitoring System. Knowing what your blood sugar is throughout the day and night will let you know exactly where you need more insulin, and exactly where you don't.
Eat less food overall. Aim for more filling food -- high in fiber, high in protein. Drink lots of water -- at least 100oz a day.
Eat less carbohydrates. Replace carbohydrate-rich food with low-carbohydrate foods like vegetables.
Eat less than 20 grams of fat a day. This includes ALL fats, even good fats like Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. (This step alone will have a big impact in a short period of time, so be careful!)
Eliminate animal products -- meat *and* dairy -- from your diet for 30 days. If it doesn't make a difference, go back to your previous eating habits -- but you might be pleasantly surprised.