How to Manage Blood Sugar Levels in Diabetes
Things You'll Need
- Glucose meter
Check your blood sugar levels regularly. Keep a blood sugar monitor with you at all times and use it throughout the day. Keep a log of the readings and the time of day to help establish a pattern showing when your levels fluctuate the most.
Maintain your weight. Overweight and obese people have a higher chance of developing type 2 diabetes. Reduce your likelihood of developing this type of diabetes by losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight for your body type.
Eat regularly. Your blood sugar can drop if you do not eat on a regular basis. To keep your glucose level balanced, have an even mix of starches, proteins, fat and vegetables with each meal.
Exercise regularly. Your muscles use sugar as energy, and exercise helps your body better respond to natural insulin and helps lower high glucose levels. Exercise often and vigorously to help the effects last longer throughout the day.
Keep your medication on hand. Depending on your form of diabetes, your doctor may prescribe you some medications, including glucose tablets or insulin injections.
Avoid alcohol. It is okay to have one drink with dinner; however, try to avoid creating a drinking habit. When ordering drinks, stick with sugar-free mixers, such as club soda or diet coke, and light beers or dry wines.