How to Self Inject Insulin
Make sure all supplies are ordered to a physician's specifications. The type of insulin and dosage are crucial in correctly maintaining glucose levels. Needles and syringes are also customized to insulin dosage.
Follow universal precautions and clean the immediate area where the shot is being prepared. Clean insulin bottles and injection site.
Inject needle into the bottle, squeezing out all the air. Draw the syringe until the correct dosage is reached. Inspect the syringe for any possible air bubbles.
Shoot needle into any fatty tissue area of the body. Insulin shots are less painful because they do not need to reach a vein. Inject insulin in the immediate area under the skin.
Change the areas on the body where shot is injected. Using the same area repeatedly may cause the area of the skin to become hard. Imagine a tic, tac, toe area on the body and periodically inject in different areas of the imaginary board on the body.
Find an old bleach bottle and place needles inside. Never dispose needles directly into the trash. Screw the cap back on to the bleach bottle and tape the bottle closed. Double bag the bleach bottle before disposing.