How to Follow the Glycemic Index Diet
Find a copy of the GI Index. Look over it in order to familiarize yourself with what category each food belongs in (red, yellow or green light foods).
Familiarize yourself with the rating system. Red light foods are high in carbohydrates or fats. Yellow light foods fall in the medium range. Green light foods are safe for your diet and will aid in permanent weight loss.
Pick up a copy of the book titled, "Living the GI Diet," by Rick Gallop. Read through the material, paying attention to the index numbers of each food. See page 12 for categories of foods and a partial listing of GI ratings on page 8. These numbers show how each food affects blood sugar.
Acknowledge that the whole idea is to eat the right foods. Your body needs some fats and you will ultimately consume some carbohydrates no matter what you do. You must be sure it is the correct ones.
Avoid "bad" fats and "bad" carbohydrates. These are pretty obvious as to what they are--fried foods, processed flour, candy, milk shakes and more.
Eat plenty of good carbs and allow yourself a few good fats. A good example of what to eat would be baked chicken, steamed asparagus and long-grain rice. Snack on fruits, cottage cheese and nuts.
Use common sense and self-control. It is no more appropriate to overeat on green light foods than it is to have a hamburger and fries.