How to Live With Diabetes

Diabetes is a disorder that requires self care and a willingness to take personal responsibility for its control on a daily basis. A diabetic who does this can usually lead a normal life, engage in everyday activities, choose nearly any career (a few do have restrictions), have a family, travel and so forth.

Things You'll Need

  • Cookbooks For Diabetics
  • Low-fat Food
  • Snack Foods
  • Sugar-free Candy
  • Glucose Monitor
  • Medic Alert Bracelet
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      Plan a food, medication and activity plan that works for you.

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      Stick to your plan. Alter and change it when necessary.

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      Speak with a dietician about a diet that you can follow. Discuss the foods you like and dislike, any religious or ethical restrictions, and so on. If you don't speak up, the dietician won't be able to best assist you.

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      Buy low-fat cookbooks, sugar-free cookbooks and cookbooks written specifically for diabetics.

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      Lose weight if you are overweight. Losing weight can make a big difference in your treatment plan. Many people are able to eliminate or reduce the amount of medication needed - or to avoid needing it in the first place - once they take the weight off.

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      Join a gym, join a softball team, sign up for karate: Exercise and activity are essential to all of us and extremely important for a diabetic. Find a sport or exercise that you enjoy, something that will motivate you to keep at it.

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      Choose a gym close to your home or work. Otherwise you won't go.

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      Take care to plan your eating and medication around your exercise. Some people find that eating a light carbohydrate snack about half an hour before exercising is a good idea.

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      Make your life more active. Get up and walk around at work if your job is sedentary, climb the stairs, walk to the store.

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      Wear a medic alert bracelet. It is vital that you be identified as a diabetic in case of a medical emergency.

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      Speak to your doctor if you are planning a long trip. Crossing time zones can throw your medication/eating schedule out of whack. Diabetics can travel safely without restrictions, but first learn how to best handle it.

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      Be prepared. Always carry a snack with you. Carry concentrated sources of glucose such as hard candy.

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      Keep a separate blood glucose meter at your place of work or school. This will make it easier to monitor your blood sugar when you are away from home.

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      Keep the meter strips in their original container. They are less likely to deteriorate.

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      Feel free to eat out in restaurants, but watch what you are eating. Avoid huge portions. Share a dessert rather than eat a whole one yourself. If food is late in coming, or there is some other delay, eat a snack if you have taken insulin.

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      Drink a glass of wine if you enjoy it, but don't overdo it. The American Diabetes Association recommends only one alcoholic drink per day for women and two for men.

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      Avoid smoking and secondhand smoke. Diabetics have twice the risk of heart disease as the rest of the population and can't afford the extra risk of smoking.

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      Speak with your doctor if you are diligent about your diabetes program, but yet your blood sugar is fluctuating beyond your set parameters. Modifications may be necessary.

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      Keep abreast of medical developments. Contact the American Diabetes Association for updates in research, new monitoring devices, and so on.

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