How a Continuous Glucose Monitor Helps My Diabetes
CGMs have several advantages over traditional blood glucose meters (BGM), including:
* Continuous monitoring: CGMs provide real-time glucose readings every few minutes, allowing people with diabetes to track their blood sugar levels throughout the day and night. This information helps people with diabetes make better decisions about food, activity, and insulin dosing.
* Early warning of high or low blood sugars: CGMs can be set to generate alerts when glucose levels reach certain thresholds, which can help people with diabetes avoid dangerous highs and lows.
* Improved HbA1c levels: CGMs have been shown to improve HbA1c levels, a measure of average blood sugar control over the past 3 months. This is because CGMs help people with diabetes stay in their target blood sugar range more consistently.
How a CGM Helps My Diabetes
I have been living with type 1 diabetes for over 20 years, and I started using a CGM about 10 years ago. It has made a tremendous difference in my diabetes management.
Before I had a CGM, I would check my blood sugar levels 4-5 times a day. This gave me a snapshot of my blood sugar at that moment in time, but it didn't tell me much about what was happening to my blood sugar in the hours between checks.
With a CGM, I now have a continuous stream of glucose data that I can access anytime, anywhere. This information helps me make better decisions about food, activity, and insulin dosing.
For example, I can see how my blood sugar responds to different foods and activities, and I can adjust my insulin dosing accordingly. I can also see when my blood sugar is starting to trend up or down, which helps me take steps to prevent highs and lows.
The CGM has given me a much greater sense of control over my diabetes. I no longer feel like I'm constantly guessing about what my blood sugar is doing. I can now make decisions based on real-time data, and that has led to improved blood sugar control and overall health.
How to Get a CGM
If you are interested in getting a CGM, talk to your doctor. CGMs are covered by most insurance plans, and they are becoming increasingly accessible as technology advances.