How to Use a Home Glucose Monitor
1. Gather Your Supplies:
- Glucose meter
- Test strips (specific to your meter model)
- Lancing device
- Lancets
- Cotton ball or tissue
- Alcohol swabs
2. Wash Your Hands:
- Before handling any of the testing supplies, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water to prevent contamination.
3. Prepare the Lancing Device:
- Insert a new, sterile lancet into the lancing device.
- Set the lancing device to the appropriate depth setting based on your skin thickness and comfort level.
4. Turn On the Glucose Meter:
- Press the power button to turn on the glucose meter.
- Wait for the meter to display a message or a blinking symbol, indicating it's ready for testing.
5. Insert a Test Strip:
- Take a test strip from the container and insert it into the meter.
- Ensure the test strip is inserted correctly according to the instructions in your meter's user manual.
6. Prepare Your Finger:
- Use an alcohol swab to clean the side of your finger you'll be pricking.
- Let the alcohol dry completely.
7. Prick Your Finger:
- Hold the lancing device firmly against the side of your finger.
- Press the release button or trigger to create a small puncture.
8. Apply Blood to the Test Strip:
- Gently squeeze your finger to form a small drop of blood.
- Touch the edge of the test strip with the blood drop without smearing.
- The meter will automatically draw the required amount of blood into the test strip.
9. Wait for the Result:
- The glucose meter will start analyzing the blood sample.
- The test result will be displayed on the meter's screen after a few seconds.
10. Record the Result:
- Write down the blood glucose reading in your diabetes logbook or a mobile health app.
- Include the date, time, and any notes about your activity or meals before the test.
11. Dispose of the Supplies Safely:
- Discard the used lancet and test strip according to your local regulations for sharps disposal.
- Clean the lancing device and meter with an alcohol swab.
12. Wash Your Hands Again:
- After handling blood and the testing supplies, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
Remember to refer to the user manual of your specific glucose meter model for detailed instructions and any additional steps or features. Consistent blood sugar monitoring is crucial for managing your diabetes, so consult with your healthcare provider to determine how frequently you should test your blood sugar levels.