Uses of MediSense Control Solutions
Accurate measurement of blood glucose is essential for diabetics. Use of a meter allows for home testing. Home testing depends upon test strips, an auto-lancet and an accurate diabetes meter. Like all precision devices it must be periodically tested to ensure its accuracy. MediSense control solutions are the means developed by Abbott Laboratories to test its meters.-
Blood Glucose
Glucose is a type of sugar found in the blood that comes from carbohydrates and provides the body with energy. When your blood glucose level rises, normally after a meal, the pancreas releases insulin to lower the levels. According to WebMD, a blood glucose test measures the amount of glucose in the blood. This test helps to diagnose diabetes and to monitor it after diagnosis. If your blood glucose is above certain limits, your body is not producing enough insulin to reduce blood glucose. A diabetes meter allows an individual to check his blood glucose level on a daily basis to ensure it remains within limits.
MediSense control solutions test Abbott's diabetes meter to ensure it is producing a correct reading. An incorrect reading could result in severe health problems. Abbott indicates when the meter should be tested. The first circumstance would be anytime the diabetes medication is adjusted or changed. Those changes could lead to different numbers so it is critical the meter is correct. Check the meter whenever you question the results. Make sure it is not machine error. The third reason involves exposure of the meter's electrodes to either high or low temperatures which exceed the recommended limits. Finally, whenever new electrodes are installed, make sure the meter is correct. For daily use in professional settings like a physician's office Abbott recommends daily testing of the meter.
Storage and Handling
According to Abbott, the control solutions must be stored at a temperature between 39 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit. Check the expiration date on the box. Do not use if expired. Once open, the solutions are good for 90 days, or the expiration date, whichever comes first. Write the date opened on the label. Keep tightly closed when not in use. Turn the bottles upside down three or four times prior to use to ensure the solutions are properly mixed. Use with all MediSense systems except ExacTech.
According to the owner's manual at Abbott Diabetes Care, you open a blood glucose test strip and insert into the meter with the three black lines first. Mark test in monitor as a control test. Place a drop of control solution on strip and wait for results.
The test results from MediSense are not your blood glucose readings. Check the numbers with the "Expected Results For MediSense Control Solutions" printed on the electrode packet insert or barcode. Repeat the test if results are outside the expected range. If still outside the range, contact MediSense.