Bioelectric Protocol
Bioelectric System
The therapy is based upon the concept that the body has its own bioelectric system. The theory states that wound healing can be affected by a properly applied electrical current. This therapy is intended to promote healing by enhancing cellular secretion, changing cell membrane permeability, attracting cells of repair and orienting cell structure.
Duration of Treatments
Early studies of bioelectric therapy indicated the need of 20 to 40 hours of treatment per week. Later studies indicate 45 to 60 minute treatments 5 to 7 times per week over a 9.5 week period. The rationale behind the change in duration was based upon a different type of electrical current that was applied to the patients.
Cell Migration
In addition to bioelectric therapy, research is being conducted into the presence and meaning of electrical signals present in the body. Research into the body's own electrical signals indicates that signals direct cells to migrate to wounds in order to promote the healing process. Sufficiently sensitive devices to detect such activities are being developed.