Home Tests for Hemoglobin A1c
Flexsite A1c Home Test
Flexsite A1c home test includes laboratory analysis. Flexsite A1c is an FDA-approved home test for measuring glycated hemoglobin A1c in the blood. The test includes a collection kit and instructions plus a prepaid mailer to send off your sample. The price of the kit also includes the results that a CLIA certified laboratory assesses plus a review of those results by a licensed professional health care worker. The procedure for the test is a straightforward step-by-step guide. After washing your hands, you prick your finger and squeeze blood onto the collection circles on the form and let it dry overnight. You date the form and complete it with your details, seal it in the plastic bag and mail it in the envelope that comes with the kit. After seven to ten working days you receive the results from the laboratory.
A1CNow SELFCHECK home test includes a DVD for full instructions. The A1CNow SELFCHECK system is a home test for hemoglobin A1c that gives results in five minutes. Bayer Health Care produces the monitor, and the digital read-out provides laboratory accurate results when giving the HbA1c numerical figure in the blood sample. The kit provides two tests and comes with full instructions, including a DVD demonstration on the whole procedure. After pricking your finger with the lancet, blood goes into the collector which inserts into the shaker and you shake it for five seconds. A cartridge inserts into the digital monitor, and the shaker then inserts into the cartridge and is removed once the read-out states "run." The HbA1c results appear in five minutes.
Advance DX 100 Home Test
Results from the Advance DX 100 require interpretation by a health care professional. The Advance DX 100 kit tests for HbA1c in the blood and goes away for analysis by a CLIA-certified laboratory. The home test includes instructions, a sterile pad and lancets for finger pricking, a plaster, collection card, plastic bag and envelope. The test is similar to the Flexsite home test in that you prick your finger and squeeze blood onto the collection card and send off the sample to the laboratory. The analysis is numerical and will need interpretation by a professional health care worker.