What is 7 point SMBG in diabetes?
Here's a breakdown of the 7-point SMBG schedule:
1. Fasting: Check your blood glucose level first thing in the morning, before consuming any food or beverages.
2. Pre-breakfast: Check your blood glucose level just before eating breakfast.
3. 2 hours post-breakfast: Check your blood glucose level approximately 2 hours after starting breakfast.
4. Pre-lunch: Check your blood glucose level just before eating lunch.
5. 2 hours post-lunch: Check your blood glucose level approximately 2 hours after starting lunch.
6. Pre-dinner: Check your blood glucose level just before eating dinner.
7. Bedtime: Check your blood glucose level right before going to bed.
By following this schedule, you can capture a detailed snapshot of your blood glucose levels throughout the day, including any trends, highs, and lows. This information can be valuable in adjusting your insulin doses, meals, and lifestyle factors to better manage your blood glucose levels. It allows for closer monitoring and timely interventions to prevent complications and maintain good overall diabetes control.
However, it's important to note that while 7-point SMBG can provide valuable information, it may not be necessary or suitable for everyone with diabetes. Your healthcare provider will assess your individual needs and determine the most appropriate blood glucose monitoring plan based on your diabetes type, treatment regimen, and other factors.