How to Calculate a HOMA Score
Things You'll Need
- Fasting serum insulin level
- Fasting plasma glucose level
- Paper
- Pencil
Ask your doctor to write down both your fasting serum insulin level and your fasting plasma glucose level, if insulin resistance or another blood sugar-related problem is expected. Both of these levels may be obtained through basic blood tests. The fasting serum insulin level is typically reported in the results of an insulin test. The fasting plasma glucose level is usually mentioned in the report from a fasting glucose, or fasting blood sugar test.
Multiply the fasting serum insulin level by the fasting plasma glucose level on a piece of paper. Write the sum on paper.
Divide the sum by either 22.5 or 405. Use 22.5 if the fasting serum insulin level and fasting plasma glucose level are expressed in S.I. units, or the International System of Units. Otherwise, use 405. Your result is the HOMA score.