How to Use a Byetta Pen
Things You'll Need
- Rubbing alcohol
- Gauze pad
- Puncture-resistant container
Pull off the blue cap. Check to make sure the liquid medication inside the pen is clear and free of particles. If it is not clear, discard the pen. Remove the paper tab covering the outer needle cover. Push and screw the (still capped) needle onto the pen. Take the white outer needle shield off, but do not discard it. Pull off the inner needle cover and discard.
Look at the dose window. There should be an arrow facing away from the needle. If it is not, turn the injection button/knob on the back of the pen until it is facing the correct direction.
Pull the injection button/knob out until it stops. The arrow should now be facing up. Turn the knob clockwise until it stops. A number "5" or "10" should be visible in the window, depending on the type of pen (either 5-mcg or 10-mcg).
Point the needle away from you and push and hold the injection button for five seconds. If medication does not drip out of the needle, repeat steps one through three. If medication drips out, the needle is ready for insertion.
Apply rubbing alcohol to a gauze pad and wipe the injection site on your body to disinfect it.
Insert the needle into your abdomen, upper arm or thigh. Use your thumb to press the injection button/knob all the way down to administer the medication. Continue to hold the button/knob for five seconds then remove from skin. The arrow will be in an up position if the dose is complete
Turn the knob once more until the "5" or "10" is visible to reset the needle for the next usage. Replace the white outer needle shield you set aside earlier. Unscrew the whole needle (with the shield on) and place it in a puncture-resistant container for disposal. Replace the blue cap on the pen for storage.