How to Convert mg to A1C
Things You'll Need
- Paper
- Pencil
- Calculator
- Blood sugar meter
Prick your finger with your blood sugar meter. The vast majority of blood sugar meters come with a small pin to pierce your skin for this task.
Drop the blood sample onto the blood sugar meter's blood receptacle.
Copy down your blood sugar level onto a piece of paper after getting the reading from the blood sugar meter. Most meters calculate your blood sugar in milligrams of sugar per deciliter of blood (mg/dl).
Use the following formula to calculate A1C from your blood sugar level in mg/dl: blood sugar in (mg/dl) plus 77.3, divided by 35.6. If your blood sugar is 100 mg/dl, you first add 100 to 77.3, which equals 177.3. You then divide 177.3 by 35.6 and get an AC1 value of 4.98 percent. AC1 is expressed as a percentage.