Blood Glucose Meter Comparisons
Most meters are small enough to carry in a backpack or purse. Very small meters also may have very small display screens and may be difficult to read, particularly for diabetics with vision problems. If you have difficulty with your vision, you may want to consider a talking model.
Insurance companies may have limitations on which blood sugar meters are covered. Meters are available at a wide range of costs, and sometimes are available for free. The initial cost of the meter isn't the only factor, however. Test strips must be replaced monthly, so the cost of test strips must be considered up front.
A drop of blood is drawn from the finger or other area of the body and placed onto a test strip inserted into a meter. Some meters allow you to use blood drawn from a less sensitive area, such as the palm or forearm. Added features are included on some models. For example, some models retain more test results than others, and some have the ability to download results to the computer so that they can be communicated to the doctor.