Tattooing & Diabetes
Tattoo wearers frequently chose designs that they find meaningful or significant. Some diabetics get tattoos to indicate their medical condition, replace medical jewelry and serve as a permanent symbol that medical personnel can easily see in case of emergency. Diabetic tattoos often feature clear medical symbols and text indicating the type of diabetes that the wearer has. Other diabetic tattoos are designed to add a personal flair to the standard medical symbols indicating the wearer's condition.
To avoid complications, diabetics must carefully select the location of their tattoos. Avoid getting a tattoo on places with poor circulation, such as the feet, ankles, shins, buttocks and common injection sites such as arms, abdomen and thighs. Tattoo placement can make a big difference in how quickly and successfully the tattoo heals.
Depending on the size and complexity of the tattoo, the procedure to apply it could be quite lengthy and somewhat stress-inducing. Be sure to have a stable blood glucose level and food in your system before starting the tattoo procedure. Your blood glucose levels may rise due to the stress and pain of tattoo application but they should go back down the next day.
Be sure that the person applying the tattoo is aware of your diabetic condition so that he can provide you with adequate aftercare information to best suit your condition. Research the reputation and sanitation practices of the tattoo parlor you are planning to use in order to reduce the risk of infection and complications that may arise from the tattoo application.
According to the Mayo Clinic, the risks of tattoo application include allergic reactions, skin infections, other skin problems (such as keloids), bloodborne diseases and MRI complications. Diabetics specifically risk problems with wound healing and infection. Some of these risks can be avoided with awareness of the tattoo facility's safety precautions, proper aftercare and, in the case of a diabetic, stable blood glucose levels.