Chromium Chloride Vs. Chromium Picolinate
Chromium (III) chloride is the essential food-based nutrient that provides chromium in the diet. Chromium (IV) chloride is derived from chromium (III) chloride and has industrial uses. Chromium (III) chloride is found in large quantities in such foods as cheese, liver and wheat grains. Chromium picolinate is a compound of chromium and picolinic acid. Chromium picolinate is not found naturally; however, picolinic acid can aid in chromium absorption, making it a useful compound.
Both chromium chloride and chromium picolinate can be taken as nutritional supplements and are taken orally in pill form. These pills should be available over the counter in most pharmacies.
Chromium chloride can help in preventing type 2 diabetes by increasing the insulin levels in the body. This is a benefit of all chromium nutritional supplements. However, chromium picolinate is present in many dietary supplements and has been claimed to aid in weight loss. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim.
Side Effects
The Linus Pauling Institute of Oregon State University claims that there is no evidence to suggest that chromium chloride has adverse effects on the body. However, it does stress that high intake of chromium chloride may be dangerous and should be avoided. Insufficient studies have been done on the side effects of chromium picolinate. The Linus Pauling Institute also claims that there have been some reports of "kidney failure and impaired liver function."
You should consult with your doctor before using any supplements in order to ensure that they do not react adversely with medications that you are already taking or conditions that you already suffer from.