Coconut Fiber & Diabetes
There are three types of diabetes--Type 1, Type 2 and gestational. Type 1 is a naturally occurring disease in which the immune system attacks the pancreas, preventing the organ from adequately producing insulin. Type 1 commonly strikes in the childhood years, but it can also surface in adults. Type 2 is a lifestyle disease, brought on by being overweight, and certain groups of people are more likely to get struck by it. Those people include Native Americans, Latin Americans, African-Americans and Asians. Gestational diabetes occurs in pregnant women who exhibit high blood sugar levels. Women who develop gestational diabetes are at an increased risk for developing Type 2.
Fiber is found in many fruits, vegetables, legumes and nuts. It aids the body in absorbing nutrients and chemicals and changing the nature of contents in the gastrointestinal tract. Fiber is considered an important part of a diet as it has been shown to lower cholesterol, help create regular bowel movements and ease constipation. However, the body does not receive any nourishment from fiber. The United States National Academy of Science, Institute of Medicine recommends men ages 50 and younger consume 38 grams of fiber per day and women 50 ages 50 and younger consume 25 grams per day. Men older than 50 are recommended to consume 30 grams per day and women older than 50 are recommended to consume 21 grams per day.
Find Cocount Fiber
Coconut fiber can be found in the meat of the coconut itself. That is not the only way in which it can be found. The high-content fiber can also be found in flaked coconut, dietary supplements and in coconut flour. Coconut flour should not be completely substituted for regular flour in recipes, however. If coconut flour is substituted for regular flour in a cake recipe, the result would be a cake that is crumbly and hard.
Benefits of Coconut
Coconut fiber does not only aid in regulating blood-sugar levels. It can also reduce the risk of heart disease, help in preventing cancer, lower cholesterol, help expel intestinal parasites and improve mineral absorption. Coconut fiber aids bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract that produce short-chain fatty acids. Short-chain fatty acids kill dangerous bacteria and yeasts. Coconut fiber also does not contain phytic acid and does not remove much needed minerals from the body.
How it Helps Diabetes
Coconut fiber helps reduce the glycemic index levels found in food. This in turn, helps keep blood sugars regulated. A normal blood sugar is anywhere between 80 and 120. The glycemic index found in foods raises a person's blood sugar. However, just because a diabetic may use coconut fiber, she should not discontinue use of medications (such as pills needed to regulate blood sugars or insulin taken by injection) as prescribed by a doctor, unless otherwise stated by the doctor.