How to Use Strips for a OneTouch Glucometer
Things You'll Need
- Clean, dry towel
- OneTouch strips
- OneTouch Glucometer
Wash your hands with soap and warm water. Dry your hands thoroughly with a clean, dry towel.
Check the expiration date on your test strip container. Never use a test strip that is beyond the expiration date. If your strips have been open for more than three months, discard them.
Store your OneTouch strips in the original container. Remove one strip from the container carefully. Close the test strip container immediately to protect the strips from contaminants.
Insert the test strip into your OneTouch meter with the contact bars inserted straight into the slot on the meter. Push the strip in until it stops. Watch the display on your meter for the control number.
Match the control number on the meter's display with the control number on the vial of test strips. If the number does not match, press the "C" button on your meter to scroll through the control numbers until the correct one appears.
Check the display for the blood drop icon, alerting you that you can add the blood sample to the strip. Look for the "mg/dL" icon to confirm the measurement units. Once the blood drop and "mg/dL" icons appear, apply the blood sample to the collection end of the strip. When the meter begins to count down the result, you have applied enough of a sample.