How to Make Herbal Remedies for Type 2 Diabetes
Things You'll Need
- 1 tsp. of alfalfa sprouts
- 2 tsp. of shredded babul bark
- Boiling hot water
- 1 tsp. of jambol seeds
- Pestle and mortar
- 1 tsp. crushed cotton seeds
- 1 to 2 tsp. of dandelion root
- 1 tsp. of fenugreek seeds
- 10 leaves of mango
- 2 tbsp. of germinated blackgram
- 1/2 cup bitter gourd juice
- 1 tsp. of honey
- 1/2 tsp. of cinnamon powder
- 8 to 10 ginseng slices
Alfalfa is a natural herbal treatment for type 2 diabetes. Sprinkle 1 tsp. of alfalfa sprouts over your salad or other dishes. Alfalfa is a natural treatment for diabetes type 2 and has been proven to help lower blood sugar and improve metabolism. It is also packed with vitamins and minerals and is a rich source of trace minerals.
Babul bark can help manage type 2 diabetes. Soak 2 tsp. of shredded babul bark in 2 cups of boiling water. Cover and steep for 12 hours, and then drain. Drink 2 to 4 tbsp. twice a day.
Prepare herbal remedies from jambol seeds, which have earned renown for their antihyperglycemic effects. Crush 1 tsp. of seeds in a pestle and mortar, and soak them in 1 cup of water for 8 hours. Strain and then drink 1 tbsp. thrice a day
Treat diabetes with cotton seeds. Boil 1 tsp. crushed cotton seeds in 3 cups of water in a covered container until the water reduces to 1 cup. Drink 1 cup twice a day. Note: Pregnant women should not ingest cotton seeds.
Drink dandelion herbal tea to treat diabetes type 2. Shred 1 to 2 tsp. of dandelion root or roughly chop up the root. Boil the shredded or chopped root in 2 cups of water for 15 to 20 minutes. Let it stand covered for 15 minutes. Take 1 cup morning and evening for four to six weeks.
Fenugreek herbal tea helps manage blood sugar levels. Crush 1 tsp. of fenugreek seeds. Soak them covered overnight. Drain and drink a cup daily.
Chop eight to 10 leaves of mango and mash them on a pestle and mortar. Stir this into 1 cup of water. Strain, then drink a cup daily for 20 to 25 days.
Use blackgram seeds to treat mild diabetes. Mix 2 tbsp. of germinated blackgram,1/2 cup bitter gourd juice and 1 tsp. of honey. Take the mixture daily for three to four months.
Stir 1/2 tsp. of cinnamon powder into half a glass of lukewarm water. Drink a cup once every morning on an empty stomach.
Drink a ginseng decoction to improve blood pressure, reduce bad cholesterol levels and lower blood sugar. Boil 3 cups of water and add eight to 10 ginseng slices. Simmer for 15 to 20 minutes. Drain and let it cool.