Signs & Symptoms of Diabetes and Headaches
Diabetes: Eating Patterns
You may start to feel very hungry. Being extremely thirsty is a common feeling as well.
Diabetes: Unusual Changes
Frequent urination, blurry eyesight and being more tired or fatigued is a sign of diabetes. You might start to lose weight without trying to do so. The opposite might occur as well, you may gain weight. A tingling feeling in your feet is also a sign.
Diabetes: High Blood Sugar
These symptoms occur when your blood sugar is too high. High blood sugar is common in someone with diabetes. You might experience deep, rapid breathing. Your skin and mouth may become dry. Your breath might smell fruity. Stomach pain, nausea, vomiting or the inability to keep down fluids are all signs of high blood sugar.
Headaches: Tension Headaches
You may feel pain that begins at the back of your head and upper neck as a band-like tightness or pressure. The band of pressure feels as though it is encircling your head and the most intense pain is over the eyebrows. The pain you feel with a tension headache is mild and bilateral (affects both sides of the head).
Headaches: Cluster Headaches
Cluster headaches come in groups that last weeks, up to months but are separated by headache-free periods of months or years. You might feel intense one-sided pain that is described as a burning or piercing quality that is throbbing. Pain behind one eye or in the eye region is common. Sometimes the affected eye may become inflamed, red and watery. The pain lasts around 30 to 90 minutes. But it can last anywhere from 15 minutes to three hours. Cluster headaches usually disappear only to reoccur later in the day. These headaches occur regularly, around the same time each day.
Headaches: Sinus Headaches
A deep, constant pain in your cheekbones, forehead or bridge of your nose will occur. The pain might intensify if you make a sudden head movement or straining. Sinus headaches generally occur with other sinus symptoms like, discharge from your nose and feelings of fullness in your ears. Fever and facial swelling are common sinus symptoms as well.
Headaches: Migraines
With migraines the pain is moderate to severe. It can affect your whole head, or shift from one side to the other. You will experience extreme sensitivity to light, noise and odor. Vision may be blurred. Nausea, vomiting, upset stomach and abdominal pain is common. Strange sensations of being very hot or cold is also common. You may even lose your appetite. You may look pale, feel fatigued or dizzy. Getting a fever is rare, but possible.