Testosterone Treatment for Diabetics
Skin Patch
The patch is placed on dry, flat, clean and clear skin on the stomach, thigh, back or upper arm, and is worn for 24 hours. It should be re-applied on a different area of the skin at the same time daily. The patch is more effective if not placed in the same area more than once every week. This method is the most common type of T therapy.
Use the gel daily, rubbing it into a clean, clear and dry area of the skin on the arms or shoulders. Some gel brands can be applied to the abdomen. Wait until the gel dries before dressing, and wait at least five hours before swimming or showering. To avoid spreading the medication to others, thoroughly wash your hands after using.
Mouth Patch
This product is like a tablet and is worn on the upper gum by the right or left incisor tooth. It dissolves into a gel and dispenses testosterone continuously. For best results, make sure the teeth are free of food particles and saliva. Apply twice daily, morning and evening.
Testosterone is usually injected into the buttock muscles and administered every two to four weeks. People being treated with injections usually have their blood checked regularly. The duration of treatment depends on the patient's response.
Pellet implants have been used for testosterone therapy since 1940. They release the hormone at a consistent rate for five to seven months. Commonly four to eight 200 mg pellets are implanted beneath the skin of the lower abdomen while the patient is under a local anesthesia. This is an outpatient procedure.
Oral therapy is available in the form of pills that have to be taken three or four times a day to maintain the desired testosterone levels. To avoid their breakdown by the liver, a change was made in the pills' hormone molecules. Some testosterone pills are available online without a prescription.
Before starting any testosterone therapy, make sure to consult a physician. Testosterone therapy is inadvisable for women. Men suffering from prostate cancer, congestive heart failure or sleep apnea should not have this treatment. Specific warnings and side effects pertain to each individual method of therapy.