Anodyne Treatment for Diabetic Neuropathy
Anodyne Therapy is administered in your doctor's office and involves the placement of diode containing pads held on by straps that may or may not contain Velcro. During the procedure, the patient sits or lies down while the diodes emit infrared energy into the affected areas. There is usually no pain associated with the treatment, although the diodes may heat to a temperature of 110 degrees, so there may be a sensation of warmth throughout the area being treated, and occasionally patients may feel a bit of a burn. The sessions generally last between 15 to 45 minutes, and the reduction of neuropathy pain is often immediate. Most patients will be treated for three times a week for three to four weeks, though the course of each patient's treatment is unique.
How it Works
Diabetic patients may suffer from low nitric oxide levels in the bloodstream, which is a major factor in many of the symptoms associated with the disease, including poor blood circulation, numbness, foot ulcers and neuropathy. The application of MIRE stimulates the release of nitric oxide from the diabetic patient's red blood cells, which helps to improve circulation and nerve function and aids healing and the production of new blood vessels.
Who Benefits
Because Anodyne Therapy can restore sensation in patients with neuropathy, as well as reducing pain and increasing nerve conduction and healing, diabetics suffering from neuropathy can benefit greatly by the treatments. It is equally useful for people with chronic conditions or acute conditions associated with pain, numbness, poor circulation, lingering wounds or other maladies involving the circulatory system. It may be used by those with pace makers, defibrillators, metal implants, pins or screws and is useful on any part of the body, including the backbone.
Do not use Anodyne Therapy pads directly over cancerous tumors or on areas of skin that have been treated with heating agents, such as Ben Gay, Biofreeze or Capsaisin. It is very important to completely clean the skin of these agents before administering Anodyne Therapy. The treatment should also not be used on abdomen area of women who are pregnant. The blood sugar levels of diabetic patients receiving Anodyne Therapy treatments should be checked regularly throughout the entire course of treatment.