Signs & Symptoms of Brittle Diabetes
Elevated Blood Sugar
Diabetes diagnoses often occur through blood and urine tests; in those with brittle diabetes, the tests will show elevated levels of sugar in both the blood and the urine. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, a fasting blood glucose level of 126 or greater, and a non-fasting level of 200 or more, accompanied by other symptoms of diabetes, can indicate the presence of diabetes.
Thirst and Urination
People with diabetes often feel thirsty and find it difficult to quench their thirst. According to the Mayo Clinic, excess sugar in the bloodstream pulls fluid from the tissues, making your body crave replacement liquids. Along with persistent thirst, people with diabetes may find themselves having to go to the bathroom more often.
Hunger and Weight Loss
Diabetes can increase the appetite. The Mayo Clinic attributes this fact to the body's inability to convert sugar to energy. Though people with diabetes continue to eat, their bodies fail to convert food into the energy they need, so they keep sending out hunger signals in an effort to take in more energy. At the same time, diabetics may find they are losing weight---often suddenly and rapidly.
Blurred Vision
Diabetics may not be able to focus properly and may find their vision blurred. Just as elevated blood sugar pulls fluid from other tissues, diabetes can deprive their eye lenses of needed fluid, making it harder for the eye to focus properly.
Flu-like Symptoms
Children with Type 1 diabetes will often complain of persistent flu-like symptoms: achiness, fatigue, nausea and irritability. These symptoms, especially if accompanied by any of the other symptoms listed above, warrant a visit to the doctor.