How to Use Accu-Chek
Things You'll Need
- Accu-Chek blood sugar monitor
- Lancet
- Test strips
- Soap
- Water
- Puncture-proof container
Time your blood sugar testing based on your physician's recommendations. Testing is usually appropriate before meals and one to two hours after each meal, as well as in the middle of the night. Check your blood sugar before and during physical activity to determine if you need a snack.
Set the date and time for your blood glucose monitor before you begin testing your glucose levels. This can ensure that your Accu-Chek history remains accurate.
Wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap. Dry your hands thoroughly so they are not damp.
Take your lancing device out of the case. The lancing device is the part of the Accu-Chek system that pierces the skin so that a drop of blood comes out.
Choose the spot from which you want to test your blood sugar. You should not use the same finger repeatedly. Alternate different fingers, your forearm, palm of your hand, upper arm, thigh or your calf.
Prepare the lancing device by setting it to the appropriate depth based on where you will test your blood sugar and your skin type. Turn the comfort dial to one of the appropriate settings. Put the lancing device against your skin, pressing on the Accu-Chek device so that the lancet pierces your skin. Put the lancing device down.
Check your blood sugar by holding the test strip to the drop of blood until the strip has absorbed the blood.
Insert your test strip into the Accu-Chek in the direction of the arrows on the strip. If you need to apply more blood, you only have five seconds to do so. Review the test result as displayed on the Accu-Chek screen.
Make note if the blood sugar is too high or low depending on your doctor's recommendation. Recording your blood sugar results in a logbook will help you determine if the medication amounts are appropriate.
Turn the Accu-Chek system off and store it in the container you received when you purchased the device.
Dispose of the lancet appropriately when finished with the individual lancet or the entire drum, depending on the system that you use. Dispose of the lancet in a container that is puncture proof after using the drum. Make sure that you follow any state or local guidelines in how to dispose of sharps.