The Easiest Way to Test Blood Sugar
Things You'll Need
- Blood sugar monitoring meter (also called blood glucose monitoring meter)
- Lancets
- Test strips
- Soap
- Warm water
- Alcohol wipes
- Physician
- Nutritionist
Purchase a home blood glucose testing meter and accompanying supplies of lancets and testing strips. You can find this equipment at any drug store or supermarket. You can also buy it online. Most health insurance policies will cover this purchase.
Read the instructions on the model of blood glucose meter you purchase. Though they all perform the same function, there are slight variances in the way they work. It is important to follow directions completely in order to get an accurate result.
Wash your hands before using the meter. Warm water and soap is the preferred cleaner. However, if you are not in a place where you can wash your hands, you may also use an alcohol wipe. Always make sure your hands are dry before beginning the test.
Prepare for the test. Put a lancet (needle) into the lancet device, which comes with the meter. This device is the holder for the needle. It positions the lancet and controls the depth of the needle's entry into the skin. Get a test strip out of the bottle of strips and have it at the ready. Also get the meter ready by following the instructions for the model you are using.
Perform the test. Stick the side of your finger with the lancet in the lancet device. Don't stick the tip of the finger as it is harder to get blood from that area and may be more painful. In order to prevent sore fingertips, use a different finger each time. Deposit the blood from the stick on the test strip. Then follow the directions for your blood sugar meter model in order to get the result. Most meters today give the results very quickly, usually within seconds.
Record the results to share with your physician, though your meter may store the results for you.