Glucose Myths
Although there are many people with blood glucose problems not everyone with diabetes gets it from a family member. Those with type 1 diabetes can inherit it, but that isn't the case for those with type 2 or insulin-resistant diabetes.
Food Choices
Many diabetics are told that they should never consume sugars or sweets because of their blood glucose level. Although sweets do raise blood sugar levels, diabetics can safely eat sweets in moderation as part of a nutritional plan.
Some people are told that you can be a borderline diabetic or have borderline blood glucose levels. Borderline blood glucose does not exist; you either have problems with blood glucose levels or you don't. However, you can have pre-diabetes, which means that you have specific risk factors that may lead to diabetes if not properly treated.
You will not always be able to judge your blood sugar level based on the way that you feel. Some people who have problems with high or low blood glucose levels do not have any symptoms.
A common myth is that when taking blood glucose medication, such as insulin, you can eat anything that you want. Medication still depends heavily on a healthy diet so that your body does not need to work harder to maintain healthy blood glucose levels.