Clogged Colon & Diabetes
The Colon
The colon is the large intestine, and its job is to gather excess fluids from digestion in the small intestine, and to store and transport waste. The colon acts as a filtration system as it prevents toxins from spreading out into the body.
Colon Clogging
If the colon becomes clogged, the toxins it filters may build up and affect other organs in the body, such as the pancreas. When clogging occurs, the pancreas and small intestines are strained as they work harder to help detoxify the body. For diabetics, the extra work on the pancreas can be very dangerous.
A diabetic must consider any health occurrence that puts extra strain on his pancreas. In Type 1 diabetics especially, concern for the pancreas that has already been attacked by the immune system and is no longer functioning normally can lead to other problems, especially making it harder for the diabetic to maintain stable blood sugar.
Signs of a clogged colon can vary, but usually include abdominal pain, consistent low energy levels, depression, constipation and headaches. These symptoms occur because the body is overloaded with trying to maintain homeostasis and working harder than normal because of excess toxins.
In order to relieve a clogged colon, many choose to seek out a physician who will perform a type of enema. The dangers of this for diabetics is that the fasting that precedes the cleansing can be very dangerous, especially for diabetics who are insulin-dependent. Any remedy that negatively affects a diabetic's ability to control his blood sugar is not recommended. A safer option would be to increase the amount of daily dietary fiber to contribute to healthy digestion.