Precision Xtra Glucometer Instructions
Things You'll Need
- Blood ketone test strips
- Blood glucose test strips
Assemble the items you will need to perform the test in an easily accessible area. These items include the Precision Xtra glucometer, appropriate test strips, lancet and alcohol wipe.
Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water. Dirt and bacteria can contaminate testing results. Dry your hands with a clean, dry cloth.
Check the date on the side of the test strip container. Discard expired test strips since they can produce false readings.
Remove a test strip from the container; each of the strips will be packaged in a separate foil wrapper. Examine the foil for any punctures or tears. Discard any strips with damaged foil. Tear the corner of the foil wrapper to prepare the strip for use. Examine the test strip. Strips that are bent, wet or otherwise damaged should be discarded.
Tear the corner of the foil wrapper and remove the test strip. Grasp the strip on each side between your thumb and pointer finger so that the black strips are facing upward.
Insert the strip into the Precision glucometer. Push the strip into the machine until it will not advance any farther. The monitor will turn on automatically. Look at the monitor to make sure the display is bright and the numbers "888" are displayed across the screen. This is the display running a self check. If the display does not light up, the glucometer needs to be serviced.
Prepare the lancet according to the manufacturer's instructions as the glucometer boots. An icon of a drop over a strip, know as the "Apply Blood" icon, will appear when the glucometer is ready to receive the blood sample.
Use the lancing device to obtain a blood sample from a clean, dry location. Discard the lancet in a sharps container or other puncture-resistant container.
Touch the blood drop to the end of the test strip. The blood will be drawn into the test strip for testing. Hold the blood sample up to the strip until you hear a "beep" or until the countdown is displayed. If the glucometer shuts off as you are obtaining the sample, remove and re-insert the strip into the glucometer.
Listen for a second "beep" signaling the end of the testing process. Review the numerical results that are displayed. The results will show a number followed by mg/dl or milligrams of glucose per deciliter of blood.
Record the result in a testing log. A testing log is a tool to help you keep track of blood glucose levels. These numbers will help to determine the effectiveness of your treatment.
Remove the strip from the glucometer. This will automatically turn off the machine. Discard the used strip.