How to Prevent Diabetes for Women
Ask your doctor to check your blood glucose levels. Elevated blood glucose levels signal an increased risk for diabetes.
Create a weight loss plan if you are overweight or obese. Calculate your daily caloric needs using an online calorie calculator and subtract 500 calories each day. Create this caloric deficit by eating lower-calorie foods or exercising more frequently.
Eat healthier foods to promote weight loss. Incorporate whole grain products, lean protein and healthy fats into your diet. Eat at least three servings each of fruits and vegetables every day. Limit your consumption of processed foods which tend to be high in fat, cholesterol and sodium.
Exercise five days per week for at least 30 minutes each day. Choose moderate-intensity activities that make your heart beat faster and cause you to break a sweat. Walk briskly, jog, swim, run, bike, dance or choose other activities that you enjoy.
Check your blood pressure and cholesterol levels frequently. Get your blood pressure checked at least once every two years. Ask your doctor to check your cholesterol once every five years, or more often if you are at high risk for diabetes or cardiovascular disease.
Get screened for type 2 diabetes 10 to 12 weeks after having your baby if you developed gestational diabetes. Visit the doctor for a diabetes screening every three years to ensure you do not develop diabetes. Breastfeed your baby to maintain low blood glucose levels and lose weight more quickly.