What Are the Correct Blood Sugar Levels in Males?
Medical professionals will test an individual’s blood sugar levels by requesting the individual to fast for eight hours prior to the measurement, or they may perform the test randomly at any time of the day.
A healthy blood sugar level for an individual fasting would be 70 to 100 mg/dl. Random test results should fall between 70 to 140 mg/dl.
Levels higher than normal could be a result of a lack of insulin production, which then limits the breakdown of sugar. Too low of levels are normally found when an individual simply doesn’t consume enough food. Those with anorexia commonly suffer from a lack of blood sugar.
Blood sugar levels consistently fluctuate. They are typically lower in the morning and will most likely rise immediately after an individual consumes food.
The medical community does not distinguish any differences between men and women in regards to healthy blood sugar levels.
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