What Is the Meaning of Glucose Blood Test Results?
Your blood glucose levels are naturally higher after a meal because your body obtains glucose through the digestion of carbohydrates. Therefore, whether your blood glucose test results are high, low or normal depends on when you had your last meal.
The meaning of the figure findings of a blood glucose reading varies in accordance with the type of test used to gauge glucose levels. The Fasting Plasma Blood Glucose test measures your blood glucose levels after you’ve completed a 12-hour fast; the Glucose Tolerance test evaluates glucose levels after an eight-hour fast is completed, followed by the ingestion of a concentrated glucose drink; and the Random Blood Glucose test can be taken any time.
Low Levels
Hypoglycemia, or low blood glucose, is a result below 70 mg/dL (milligrams per deciliter of blood).
General Diagnostic Results
Fasting Plasma Blood Glucose levels above 126 mg/dL could be an indication of diabetes. For the Glucose Tolerance Test, a reading above 200 mg/dL is also indicative of diabetes. Taken at random, if two indiscriminate test readings come back 200 mg/dL or above, it’s cause for concern, and further tests will need to be performed.
Diabetic Ranges
Ultimately, if you have diabetes, your doctor is best equipped to determine what an acceptable blood glucose range is for you.