How to Easily Treat Pre- Diabetic Insulin Resistance
Add cinnamon into your diet. Cinnamon helps lower blood glucose levels and controls symptoms of early diabetes. Take between 1-6 grams of cinnamon capsules each day.
Drink apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar may help to lower blood glucose levels and improve your bodies insulin response. Drink half a cup of apple cider vinegar daily.
Exercise for 30-60 minutes daily, and lose weight. Losing only 10 pounds of fat can significantly reverse and lower your risk of developing insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.
Remove the foods from your diet that create a spike in your blood glucose levels. Avoid the consumption of simple sugars (candy and sweets) and simple carbohydrates (white rice, white bread and white pasta).
Eat lots of green, leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach and collard greens to easily treat pre-diabetic insulin resistance.
Consume moderate amounts of lean protein (fish, chicken), fresh fruit and whole grains each day.
Make an appointment to see a doctor who can manage your health and perform regular tests for diabetes and insulin resistance.