Invention of the Insulin Pump
Imagine planning your day around insulin injections. Thousands of Americans with type 1 and type 2 diabetes do just that, but medical inventions are allowing greater flexibility in their routines. One such invention is the insulin pump.-
The first insulin pumps appeared in the 1970s. They were about the size of a microwave oven and delivered insulin to the bloodstream every 5 minutes.
People with diabetes require as many as four insulin injections daily. With the invention of the insulin pump, however, injections are no longer necessary.
Twenty-four hours a day, these pumps deliver insulin beneath the fatty tissues in your skin. The insulin, in turn, helps your body use and store a sugar called glucose.
Insulin pumps can improve your quality of life significantly. However, they come with a hefty price tag, and you'll need specialized training in how to use them.
Fun Fact
The inventor of the ambulatory infusion pump, an insulin pump you can carry anywhere, belongs to the National Invention Hall of Fame. His name is Dean Kamen.